Welcome to Thedinosaurs.org, your destination for all things dinosaur-related. Founded in 2022, our mission is to provide a comprehensive, engaging, and educational platform for dinosaur enthusiasts of all ages. Our team is composed of passionate people with great interest and fascination for dinosaurs. We are dedicated to bringing the fascinating world of dinosaurs to your fingertips.
At Thedinosaurs.org, we believe that learning about dinosaurs is not just about studying the past but also about understanding the evolution of life on Earth and appreciating the wonder of natural history. We strive to deliver accurate, up-to-date, and accessible information about various dinosaur species, their habitats, behaviors, and the scientific discoveries that continue to unveil their mysteries. From the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex to the gentle herbivorous Brachiosaurus, we cover a wide range of topics that cater to both the curious beginner and the seasoned dinosaur enthusiast.
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore and learn about these magnificent creatures that once roamed our planet. Join us on this exciting journey back in time as we continue to dig deeper into the world of dinosaurs.
Our knowledge about dinosaurs is ever-evolving, and that brings with it some inherent challenges when writing about them. You can read more about our approach to research, fact-checking, and editorial process here.
Our Team
Regan Douglas
(Paleontology Subject Matter Expert)
Regan Douglas is a vertebrate paleontologist in Finland, but her interest in paleontology started when she was growing up in a limestone mining town in the United States. There she collected fossils like crinoids, brachiopods, corals, and shark teeth. This part of the States was an ocean during the time of dinosaurs, but Regan still loved dinosaurs as a kid (don’t we all?)
She then attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and received her BSc in Geology with a paleontology focus on Cenozoic mammals. During her studies, she worked at Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park for two years. Regan spent her time there educating the public on the history of the site, paleontology, geology, and biology, as well as excavating 12 million-year-old fossils and working in the lab doing fossil prep work. She also worked in the UNSM collections doing basic fossil prep and organizational work in the collections and archives.
Currently, Regan is studying mammoth teeth at the University of Helsinki in order to receive her MSc in Palaeontology and Global Change. During her time here, she’s also interned at Luonnontieteellinen Museo in (modern zoology) museum collections, doing more organizational and database work. Her main interests moving forward in this field include tooth morphology, econometrics, and collections management, and to inspire others to pursue this wonderful field of study!
Dr. Alienor Duhamel
(Paleontology Subject Matter Expert)
I am a postdoctoral fellow at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. I work on a group called Therapsida, that are considered to be the stem-group of mammals and lived mainly during the Permian and Triassic Periods. I specialised on microCT-scan data and 3D reconstruction of therapsid cranial material (Virtual Paleontology). My models enables me to study the endocranial anatomy of those animals, and to infer their phylogenetic relationships. I produce my phylogenies using both parsimony (TNT) and Bayesian methods (MrBayes mainly).
I am born in France and started my studies in general sciences in Nantes, before moving to the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon and to the University of Lyon 1 for a Bachelor in Geosciences and Master in Paleontology, between 2014 and 2017. In the meantime, I worked on a dinosaur excavation in Angeac-Charente from 2013 to 2015. In 2018 I moved to South Africa for my PhD on therapsid taxonomy and phylogeny. Since 2018 I have been going regularly on the field in the Karoo desert to find Permian and Triassic fossils.
Aside from Paleontology, I love to wander around in nature and would go travel regularly, in Europe and Southern Africa. I’m a climber and a horse rider as well.
You can find my academic work here, and my paleo-instagram account @Ali0gator
Joey Arboleda
(Research & Fact-Checking)
Joey Arboleda, is a current PhD Student at the University of Crete, Greece. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Aquaculture, Environment, and Society as a fully funded scholar by the Erasmus Mundus. He started working in the field of Marine Biology research in 2012 on several research studies with Seaweeds, Planktons, Crustacean, and Fish Health Management.
Joey is another dinosaur enthusiast and though never having worked with paleontology, is great at research and fact-checking. He reviews information critically from an academic perspective and ensures we deal in verifiable facts where they exist.
Subial Aslam
(Media & Publishing)
Subial, a highly skilled civil engineer, is a passionate enthusiast of WordPress. With a deep love for creating, developing, and managing WordPress websites, he recognizes the profound impact that effective presentation can have.
(Editor – Methods & Data)
Marius is the one planning our methodology, following up across different contributors and making sure everything runs smoothly. Closet Dinosaur-Nerd and hoping to one day find a Dino fossil with his kids.
For questions or comments, you can reach me at [email protected]
Melody Thomas
My name is Melody Thomas and I am an illustrator from Palm Beach Florida. Art has always been a big part of my life and through my artwork, I love to show the details and express the colors I put into it.
You can visit my instagram art account here: @art.melody7