Condorraptor – “Robber of Cerro Condor”

The Condorraptor, its name alone evokes images of a prehistoric marauder, and rightly so. This carnivorous theropod, whose remains were discovered in the rugged terrains of Argentina, offers a captivating glimpse into a world long gone.

As we delve into its world, we’ll uncover the secrets that this ancient “robber” from Cerro Condor has to offer. From its discovery to its unique features, each aspect of the its existence helps us piece together the puzzle of life during the Middle Jurassic Period.

Condorraptor Key Facts

Meaning of nameRobber from Cerro Condor
Type SpeciesCondorraptor currumili
When it Lived~178.8 to 168.3 million years
PeriodLower-Middle Jurassic
EpochMiddle Toarcian to the top of the Bajocian
Length28.9 feet
HeightApproximately 7.0 feet
Weight1.8 ton
MobilityMoved on two legs
First DiscoveryThe locality was found by the owner of the land, Hipólito Currumil. Excavated by a team from the Museo Paleontolo ́gico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew ,Argentina at an unknown date.
Location of first findLas Chacritas locality, Chubut province, Argentina (subsequent finds also from there)
First Described by2005 by German paleontologist Oliver Rauhut
HolotypeMPEF-PV 1672

Condorraptor Origins, Taxonomy and Timeline

Condorraptor, owes its moniker to the village of Cerro Condor, situated nearby the locality where the holotype was found. The term ‘raptor’, means ‘robber’ or ‘snatcher’ in Latin. It’s species name, Condorraptor currumili refers to the landowner and discoverer of the fossil locality.

Explore the world of the Condorraptor, a fascinating theropod from the Middle Jurassic era. Discover its origins, unique features, and habitat.

Nestled within the Theropoda, Condorraptor finds its familial ties in the Piatnitzkysauridae (Theropoda: Tetanurae), alongside Marshosaurus and Piatnitzkysaurus

Condorraptor currumuli was found in the Cañadón Asfalto Formation. The Formation was dated using U-Pb isotopes in 2013, indicating an age from the middle Turonian to possibly the end of the Bajocian (~178.8 to 168.3 million years). The upper boundary and datation is however unclear and the original publication in 2005 suggested a possible Callovian Age (166.1 to 163.5 million years). More datation works are required to constrain the geological age of Condorraptor.

Discovery & Fossil Evidence

The unveiling of this dinosaur’s existence was a landmark moment in paleontology. While initially found by the landowner Hipólito Currumil, it was later excavated by a team from the Museo Paleontolo ́gico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew, Argentina. It was later described in 2005 by Oliver Rauhut, at the time affiliated to both the Museo Paleontolo ́gico Egidio Feruglio and the Institut für Paläontologie, Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt Universität, Berlin.

The fossil evidence of Condorraptor, primarily represented by the holotype MPEF-PV 1672, offers a tantalizing glimpse into its physical form. Later fossil finds in the same geological Formation are believed to be from the same animal. While the degree of preservation varies, each fossil find contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of this intriguing dinosaur.

As we continue to explore and excavate, the possibility of uncovering additional specimens remains. Each potential find holds the promise of new insights, further enriching our understanding of Condorraptor’s place in the prehistoric world.

Condorraptor Size and Description

Let’s delve into the physical stature of Condorraptor, a creature that once dominated its prehistoric landscape. This theropod, with its carnivorous habits, must have been an imposing figure in the ecosystems of the Middle Jurassic.

Short Description

Condorraptor likely boasted a body structure optimized for hunting. Its streamlined form, supported by robust limbs, suggests a life spent in pursuit of prey. The configuration of its head, neck, and tail would have followed the general design of theropods, indicating a creature built for agility and power.

Size and Weight of Type Species

Size comparison of the Middle Jurassic theropod Condorraptor.
Slate Weasel, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Recent estimates paint a clearer picture of its size. In 2016, Molina-Pérez and Larramendi suggested that an adult specimen, specifically MPEF 1717, could have reached lengths of approximately 28.9 feet and weighed around 1.8 tons. These dimensions place it among the larger predators of its time.

The Dinosaur in Detail

Condorraptor stands out in the annals of paleontology for several reasons. Its unique features, though partially veiled by the sands of time, hint at a creature superbly adapted to its environment.

This carnivore shares notable similarities with another theropod from the same geological Formation, Piatnitzkysaurus. A unique feature among tetanurans that these two share is a flat anterior surface of the anterior presacral centra. Both belong to the Piatnitzkysauridae (Tetanurae: Megalosauroidea).

While some characteristics initially thought to be exclusive to Condorraptor were later found in other megalosauroids, it still possesses several features that are uniquely its own. These distinct traits not only highlight its uniqueness among theropods but also contribute to our understanding of the diversity within the megalosauroid group.

Interesting Points about Condorraptor

  • Its name, inspired by the village of Cerro Condor, reflects both its geographical roots and predatory nature.
  • As a member of the Piatnitzkysauridae, it offers a unique perspective on theropod diversity during the Lower-Middle Jurassic.
  • The discovery of the Condorraptor in Argentina highlights the global distribution of theropods during this era.
  • Its timeline, spanning the middle Toarcian to the late Bajocian Ages, situates it in a period of significant evolutionary changes.

The Condorraptor in its Natural Habitat

Imagine the world of Condorraptor, a landscape shaped by the forces of nature and the passage of time. This dinosaur roamed a realm characterized by a climate and geography that supported a diverse array of flora and fauna.

As a carnivore, its diet would have consisted of the various creatures that shared its environment. Its locomotion, likely on two legs, suggests a predator capable of swift movement, essential for hunting and survival.

The social behavior of Condorraptor remains a topic of speculation. Whether it was a solitary hunter or part of a larger group is a question that continues to intrigue paleontologists.

As a predator, it would have played a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of its habitat, influencing both the landscape and the evolutionary paths of its contemporaries.

Contemporary Dinosaurs

In the lush world of the Jurassic Period, Condorraptor roamed with a certain prehistoric panache. Imagine a creature, not the largest in its realm, but with a presence that couldn’t be ignored. It shared its ancient green stage with the likes of Piatnitzkysaurus and Patagosaurus, each playing a unique role in the intricate dance of survival. Condorraptor, with its lithe form and keen senses, was like a shadow flitting through the ferns, always aware, always calculating.

Now, picture Piatnitzkysaurus, somewhat similar in size to our protagonist, perhaps a rival in the quest for sustenance. Their interactions might have been charged with competition, a silent duel for dominance and dinner. These two, possibly locking eyes across a clearing, understood the unspoken rules of their world. 

On the other hand, Patagosaurus, a gentle giant in this Jurassic time, towered over Condorraptor. This behemoth, munching placidly on vegetation, might have seemed like an unlikely companion in this landscape. However, in the grand theatre of nature, they too had a connection. Condorraptor, ever the opportunist, might have scavenged what Patagosaurus left behind, or perhaps, in bolder moments, attempted to prey on the young or weak of the herd. This delicate balance of coexistence, competition, and occasional predation painted a vivid picture of life in a world long gone, with Condorraptor as a central figure, navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by its contemporaries.

Frequently Asked Questions

What era did it live in?

It thrived during the Lower-Middle Jurassic Period, possibly from ~178.8 to 168.3 million years.

Where was it first discovered?

The first fossils were unearthed in Chubut, Argentina.

What type of dinosaur is it?

It’s a theropod, specifically belonging to the piatnitzkysaurid family.

What did its diet consist of?

As a carnivore, its diet would have included other animals in its habitat.

Who first described this dinosaur?

German paleontologist Oliver Rauhut first described it in 2005.

What makes it unique among dinosaurs?

Its classification within the piatnitzkysaurid family and its specific timeline during the Lower-Middle Jurassic make it a unique subject of study.


The information in this article is based on various sources, drawing on scientific research, fossil evidence, and expert analysis. The aim is to provide a comprehensive and accurate overview of the Condorraptor. However, please be aware that our understanding of dinosaurs and their world is constantly evolving as new discoveries are made.

Article last fact-checked: Joey Arboleda, 11-04-2023; Alienor Duhamel, 11-17-2023

Featured Image Credit: FunkMonk (Michael B. H.), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons