Patagotitan: The Colossal Titan of Patagonia

Among the ancient giants, one stands out for its sheer size and grandeur: the Patagotitan. Discovered in the windswept expanses of Patagonia, this sauropod has captured the imagination of paleontologists and enthusiasts alike. But what makes the Patagotitan so fascinating? Is it just its size, or is there more to this prehistoric titan? Read on to explore its origins, discovery, and the environment it once called home.

Patagotitan Key Facts

Meaning of nameTitan from Patagonia
Type SpeciesPatagotitan mayorum
When it Lived113.0 to 100.5 MYA
PeriodEarly Cretaceous
Length102.0 to 131.0 feet
Height41.0 feet
Weight55.0 to 85.0 tons
MobilityMoved on all four
First Discovery2010 by Aurelio Hernández
Location of first findLa Flecha, Argentina
First Described by2017 by José Carballido, Diego Pol, Alejandro Otero, Ignacio Cerda, Leonardo Salgado, Alberto Garrido, Jahandar Ramezani, Néstor  Cúneo and Javier Krause
HolotypeMPEF-PV 3400/27

Patagotitan Origins, Taxonomy and Timeline

This sauropod comes with a name that resonates with strength and grandeur. It owes its moniker to the region where its fossils were first unearthed: Patagonia. The suffix ‘titan’, borrowed from Greek mythology, aptly reflects its massive size. This majestic creature belongs to the Sauropod group, known for their long necks and tails and colossal stature. 

Restoration of Patagotitan, one of the largest herbivorous dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous period. This illustration highlights the immense size of Patagotitan, with a human figure included for scale. Known for its long neck and tail, this quadrupedal dinosaur reached lengths of up to 122 feet and roamed the ancient landscapes of present-day Argentina.
Mariol Lanzas, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Taxonomically, the Patagotitan is classified as a Titanosaur with its only species being the type species, Patagotitan mayorum. This classification helps paleontologists understand its evolutionary relationships with other dinosaurs.

The timeline of this towering herbivore is set in the Early Cretaceous Period, specifically during the Albian Epoch. This places its existence a little over one hundred million years ago, a time when the Earth was undergoing significant changes in its flora and fauna.

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Discovery & Fossil Evidence

The discovery of the Patagotitan began in 2010 near La Flecha, Argentina, where farm laborer Aurelio Hernández unearthed a part of a lower femur. This remarkable find was reported to the Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio (MPEF) in Trelew and sparked a series of expeditions. Between late 2012 and early 2015, under the guidance of Jose Luis Carballido and Diego Pol and with support from The Jurassic Foundation, these expeditions unearthed over 200 fossils. 130 of these finds were Sauropod bones and 57 were Theropod teeth. The site’s rock layers are part of the Cerro Castaño Member of the Cerro Barcino Formation, which was dated to around 101.62 million years ago in the Albian Epoch of the Cretaceous.

The excavations revealed six partial Sauropod skeletons, remarkably uniform in size and morphology. This suggests they belonged to the same species. Despite originating from the same quarry, these remains were from different times. These times are indicated by the three distinct levels within the 3.43-metre sediment layer. The best-preserved skeleton was selected as the holotype for its distinctive traits.

In 2017, a team including José Luis Carballido, Diego Pol, and others named these remains Patagotitan mayorum, a new genus and species. This naming not only highlighted the titanic size and strength of this dinosaur but also honored the Mayo family that owned La Flecha ranch where it was found. This discovery positioned the Patagotitan as one of the most completely-known members of the Titanosauria.

Patagotitan Size and Description

The Patagotitan was a quadrupedal herbivore and a marvel of prehistoric life. Its long neck and tail were characteristic of the Titanosaurs, a group known for their impressive size. But what truly sets this dinosaur apart is its sheer magnitude. José Luis Carballido and colleagues, upon its discovery, proclaimed it the largest animal known to have walked the Earth. This statement alone captures the awe-inspiring nature of this prehistoric giant.

Size and Weight of Type Species

Estimating the size of the Patagotitan has been a subject of much debate and analysis. Initial reports in 2014 suggested a length of 131.0  feet and a weight of 85.0 short tons. However, in 2017, Carballido and colleagues proposed a slightly smaller size of 121.0 feet in length, with weight estimates ranging from 76.0 to 85.5 short tons based on different methods. These figures indicated that the Patagotitan might have been 10% larger than its relative, the Argentinosaurus.

However, the plot thickens as other experts weighed in. In 2019, Gregory Paul estimated the Patagotitan to be smaller, at 102.0 feet in length and weighing between 55.0 to 61.0 tons. This estimate placed it below the Argentinosaurus in terms of size. Further studies in 2020 provided varying estimates, with one suggesting an average weight of around 63.0 tons.

The Dinosaur in Detail

Because most of the remains were limb bones and vertebrae, not much is known about the appearance of the rest of this dinosaur. Furthermore, the Titanosaur group was a very successful and diverse group of dinosaurs that lived on all seven continents and had many species over a long period of time. This means that, beyond knowing that it was a large, long-necked herbivore that walked on four legs, we cannot say much else about its appearance.The size of the Patagotitan has not only been a topic of fascination but also of controversy. Studies have estimated the Argentinosaurus to weigh between 71.7 to 106.3 short tons. In 2019, Paul argued that for the Patagotitan to be larger than the Argentinosaurus, its body proportions would have to be improbably large because the articulated length of the back vertebrae was larger in the Argentinosaurus. He also criticized the 3D model used for the volumetric estimate of the Patagotitan and pointed out issues with its torso and the reconstructed lengths of its neck and tail.

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Interesting Points about Patagotitan

The Patagotitan in its Natural Habitat

This gentle herbivore thrived in an environment that was markedly different from today’s Patagonia. During the Early Cretaceous, this region was likely lush and verdant in order to support a diverse range of flora. As an herbivore, the Patagotitan would have feasted on this abundant vegetation and used its long neck to reach leaves and branches that were inaccessible to other herbivores.

Given its size, its locomotion was probably slow but steady to allow it to traverse large areas in search of food. While it’s difficult to determine its exact social behavior, the possibility of herd behavior cannot be ruled out. Such social structures could have provided protection and increased efficiency in feeding. The impact of such a giant on its ecosystem was likely significant. From shaping the landscape through its movements to influencing the types of vegetation that thrived, the Patagotitan was more than just an inhabitant of its environment; it was a shaper of its world.

Contemporary Dinosaurs

In the world of the Late Cretaceous, the colossal Patagotitan lumbered through the ancient forests, a true titan among dinosaurs. This gentle giant, stretching over 100.0 feet long, towered above most of its contemporaries. Imagine a creature so vast that when it walked, the ground itself seemed to tremble. This dinosaur lived in a world where size mattered but it wasn’t alone.

In the shadow of these behemoths roamed the Tyrannotitan, a predator whose name whispered tales of terror. Though smaller than the Patagotitan, this fearsome carnivore was no less imposing. While the size difference was significant, with the Patagotitan being almost twice as long, one can’t help but wonder about the tense moments when their paths crossed. Was this herbivore ever on the menu or did its sheer size deter even the boldest of predators?

Among the other contemporaries, the Ligabuesaurus and Agustinia were both smaller than the Patagotitan and likely had a different dynamic with this giant. These smaller herbivores might have shared grazing grounds, leading to competition for the lush vegetation. It is easy to imagine these dinosaurs all coexisting in a delicate balance of nature.

Then there was the Chubutisaurus, roughly the same size as the Patagotitan. One can envision these giants like colossal ships passing in the night, each commanding their own space yet aware of the other’s presence. Their interactions would have been a sight to behold, showcasing the diverse and dynamic ecosystem they were part of. In this ancient world, the Patagotitan stood as a central figure as a testament to the incredible diversity and complexity of life that once roamed our planet.

Frequently Asked Questions

When was this dinosaur first discovered?

It was first discovered in 2010 by Aurelio Hernández in Argentina.

What does its name mean?

Its name means ‘Titan from Patagonia,’ reflecting its massive size and discovery location.

What type of dinosaur is it?

It’s a Sauropod, known for long necks and tails. It belongs to the Titanosaur group

What did it eat?

It was an herbivore that fed on the abundant vegetation of its time.

How did it move?

It moved on all four legs, a necessity given its colossal size.

Who described this dinosaur scientifically?

José Luis Carballido and a team of paleontologists described it in 2017.


The information in this article is based on various sources, drawing on scientific research, fossil evidence, and expert analysis. The aim is to provide a comprehensive and accurate overview of the Patagotitan. However, please be aware that our understanding of dinosaurs and their world is constantly evolving as new discoveries are made.

This article was last fact-checked: Joey Arboleda, 11-03-2023

Featured Image Credit: Sphenaphinae, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons